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The Monkey Cage (Paperback)
The Monkey Cage is a story about a young man, Damien Hawkins and his female companion, Sandra Braxton. Damien is dealing with the failure, frustration, and humiliation, of a bitter divorce. Sandra steps in and becomes his best friend. Passion comes between them as they spend more and more time with each other. It wasn't until she spent some very intimate moments with Damien, that she learned of the many past pains, mixed emotions, and the hidden secrets he possessed; the twin he hid inside. As the relationship deepens, the monkey becomes an entanglement; a mass of distrust and confusion.
"Filled with, Bittersweet Intimacies, Courage and Power." --Dimitri Teague, M.D.
"An Intimate, Exciting read!" --Slyvan Wilson
"Something, I believe most every woman has experienced to some degree, in her lifetime." --Jeannette McCoy
"Seeking the Monkey - Just finished reading 'The Monkey Cage' and it was awesome! It had me intrigued to know what was going to happen next with the characters! I can't wait to read your next work-Fantastic job! Keep up the great work!"--Anonymous
"Very Interesting... I've read quite a few books in my time, but this book really left me mystified. It kept me turning the pages. I read it in two days. The twist and turns definitely leaves it open for interpretation, yet I was glad to see the hero rather then the heroine, dealing heavily with some issues."--Anonymous
"I Really enjoyed this book! - This is one book that kept me reading from beginning to end. Each time I finished a chapter, I had to go to the next to see what was going on. The twist and turns keep you constantly guessing, and the end is not what I thought it would be. Very good read! Very intriguing!"--Anonymous |
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Bellows from the Soul: Words Spoken from the Heart (Paperback)
Exhibits much of life’s experiences and different expressions of what the world is today. "BELLOWS from THE SOUL" is not solely a representation of Carol’s life. She has spent many days talking with family, friends, and acquaintances, listening to the cries from their hearts and souls, whereby, she has put these feelings into writing, and into words of encouragement to feed the soul. Copyright©1999
"Very Uplifting- Bellows From The Soul speaks of many areas of life. I can imagine that it brings to light alot of the Authors experience, as well as, encounters of the world situation today. It also takes into account the spiritual realm of things. I enjoyed reading this book very much and advise this reading to anyone who would like a spiritual uplifting." --Jeanette McCoy, A reviewer, 03/06/2001
"Spiritually Moving Compositions from Life!- Bellows from the Soul is an outstanding book of Spiritually moving compositions from the life of the Author. It is Powerful and Moving in its Spiritual, Heartfelt verses on Family, Love and Life experiences. It is clearly a talented production of Poetry from the Authors heart! Recommended for anyone."--F.Edwards II, A reviewer, 02/28/2001
"Lyric, Passion and Power- Bellows From The Soul is written with lyric, passion, and power. It captures the triumph and pain of life experiences, as well as brings you into that spiritual realm of being." --A Reviewer, 10/20/2000 |
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On the Wings of Faith: Selected Writings (Paperback)
In her second book of poetry, since "BELLOWS from THE SOUL," Carol writes with lyric, passion, and power that reaches out and touches the heart, mind and soul. This unforgettable collection of poems exhibits her unique gift of captivating the victory and pain of being black; how we are viewed as a race of people and our struggles to break free, the bonds of our forefathers. In other poems, she exudes the healing power of our Creator, as she steps into that spiritual realm, in such poems as, "On The Wings of Faith," and "Never Alone."
"Inspirational, nuturing for the soul. Very powerful words spoken from the writers point of view. It touched on various areas of life. Was very uplifting and mind fulfilling."--Charmaine Tucker, someone who reads inspirational., 12/12/2005
"Inspirational. On The Wings of Faith is a dynamic, great and inspiring book. It talks about various aspects of life. It talks about what we as African-Americans have to deal with from both a past and present perspective. It talks about love, it talks about peace, it talks about happiness and God. I enjoyed reading this book very much and advise this reading to anyone who would like to be encouraged."--Carla Willis, a business owner., 04/16/2002 |